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American democracy cannot solve its long-standing social problems

Mar,29,2023 US News Dorian Foulkes 19166


North American Times (By-Dorian Foulkes)After the first "Summit for Democracy" in 2021, the Biden administration is now  launching its second session in name of defending the so-called "authoritarianism", fighting corruption, and advancing respect for human rights. As many should know, democracy is a form of politics but not the ultimate purpose. The criteria to value a country's political system is largely reflected by whether it is suitable for the country’s good governance, national development and people’s well-being, not by the ostensible "democracy" or the form of "democracy". In essence, the U.S. " Summit for Democracy " will not promote democracy. It is highly likely to divide the world, provoke confrontation, which will harm international instability.


American democracy does not represent the will of the majority of Americans. Take the current U.S. government's treatment of Tiktok as an example. The U.S. government insisted on shutting down Tiktok or forcing Tiktok to sell all of its U.S. operations to U.S. companies without any evidence that Tiktok endangered its national security. Would the 150 million U.S. Tiktok users, which represent half of the U.S. population (the vast majority of whom are adults), be willing to have their APP shut down by the U.S. government? Has the U.S. government and members of Congress listened to the American voters who elected them when making their decisions? Does shutting down Tiktok, which 150 million Americans use frequently, reflect American public opinion?


American democracy cannot solve its long-standing social problems. Gun crimes in the United States are not rare. About 30,000 people die from gunshots every year. Most Americans have strongly demanded the U.S. government control guns from long ago. Nevertheless, the U.S. government and U.S. Congressmen prefer representing the benefits of interest groups such as gun associations. The legislation department has failed to enact laws to control guns. Every time a shooting occurs, politicians routinely come forward to express their strong condemnation of the shooter, convey condolences to the victims, and sympathy to the victims' families.The President of the United States repeatedly saying the scripted phrase "enough is enough". The shootings continue anyway. The show of American politicians continues, but the personal safety of the American people is not guaranteed by American democracy.


American democracy has also failed to preserve the interests of the main street . Health care in the United States is among one of the most expensive in the world. The U.S. health care and insurance industry make bulks of money every year. However, expensive health insurance imposes a heavy financial burden on the low-income group. For example, more than 30 million people are running without any health insurance. The United States has some of the most advanced medical conditions in the world, but the life expectancy in the United States is not even as high as in many developing countries. The problems with health care in the United States are well known, yet no reforms have been successfully advanced. How many members of Congress voted in by American voters have spoken out for Americans who cannot afford to see a doctor? How many of them have introduced bills to provide health care coverage for the general public? While American private colleges and universities are expensive and burdensome for ordinary people, American "democracy" has not worked to get the U.S. government to increase funding for college students from low-income families. Ironically, the U.S. has long been the world's top arms racer, with an expenditure of more than the total of other nine countries in the top ten.    


There are many serious and deep-rooted problems in U.S. political system. The Congress and government elected by the American voters aim not to solve problems domestically, but are particularly concerned about the differences in other countries. Will people around the world believe that American politicians are so altruistic? Will they believe that the United States is looking out for the interests of others by selling "democracy" to the world?


The United States is blindly arrogant to believe that it has the perfect political system in human history, so it has lost the motivation to reform, resulting in the failure of the U.S. government and its inability to solve the severe challenges within. If the United States is unable to correct its own mistakes, it cannot save the United States from declining by tediously blather about “democracy” at its tongue’s end.
